Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Fourth Element

There's so many books and articles nowadays stressing that Triathletes must not only concentrate on our swim, bike, and run, but also, the 4th element of Recovery.  Which is apparently the mode I will be in from now until possibly the end of this season.  The diagnosis is "calf strain", which doesn't sound so bad, but after reading pages upon pages of information and blogs, it would appear that being unable to walk the first 9 days after the strain puts me in the category of a "bad" strain which doesn't really have a timeline associated and instead is "TBD by MD". 

I am finally able to walk without a limp today, for the first time, but I also haven't walked very far either (Sunday I woke up thinking my limp wasn't so bad so I attempted to walk a half mile... the limp came back with a vengeance).  I am able to swim, but not far or fast without the pain coming back, even if I'm just pulling, for some reason the calf just tenses up... I have yet to attempt the bike, perhaps this weekend, but again, it won't be far or fast... like most triathletes, I seem to have this addiction to hard workouts and an aversion to "resting" or doing everything in recovery mode.  I suppose I'll have to get over it.  Seems like it's going to be this way for the foreseeable future... could always be worse though, right?  Maybe I'll even actually get some schoolwork done in the meantime if I'm not training ~2 hours a day...